Round Ups and Special Collections

The Jackson County Recycling Department sponsors several special collections or round ups each year to address the recycling needs of larger or specialty products.  A minimal fee is assessed for these types of collections to anyone bringing items for recycling.  Specific details for each round up are noted below and are published in the local newspaper as well as advertised at each recycling drop site location.

Business Fluorescent Bulbs 

In Wisconsin, businesses are required by law to recycle fluorescent bulbs that are utilized in their operation. Various types of bulbs from compact fluorescents, 4 foot or greater, circular, high intensity or shielded are accepted for recycling purposes. Jackson County Recycling is a collection site for these bulbs. They are required to submit a summary report, see below, with detailed information on the type and quantity of bulbs to the Zoning Department PRIOR to delivering any bulbs to the Recycling Center. Any expense related to recycling of business bulbs is responsibility of the business submitting the bulbs for recycling. Please place the used bulbs in a box that they may have come out of and label the box(s) with your business name and total number of bulbs contained in the box. Bulbs may be bundled together and taped into a bundle if a box is not available, write the business name and total number of bulbs on the bundle. For further information regarding business fluorescent bulb recycling, contact the Zoning Department at 715.284.0220.

Households are encouraged to recycle their bulbs as well, there is no expense levied to a household that donates bulbs.

Pharmaceutical Collection

Daily, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

30 N. 3rd Street, Black River Falls

Various prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications will be accepted, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.  Items that are prohibited are liquid medications, intra-venous solutions, injectable medications, needles or syringes, biological, infectious or human fluids and waste, at this time.  Items are encouraged to be brought in their original containers, but it is not mandatory.  This collection is at NO COST to the public.

Appliance and Electronics Round-Up

Saturday April 19, 2025, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 

115 Harrison Street, Black River Falls

Wisconsin's electronics recycling law was implemented on January 1, 2010.  E-Cycle Wisconsin affects all Wisconsin residents as it prohibits the disposal of designated electronics in a landfill or incinerator. 
Computers, computer accessories, TVs, cell phones and other electronics contain harmful materials, including lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, other heavy metals and chemical flame retardants. If electronics are landfilled, incinerated or illegally dumped or burned, these pollutants may contaminate water, air or soil and affect human and environmental health. Improperly handled discarded electronics may also pose health risks to workers from companies that manage the electronics.
It is also important to recycle electronics because of the valuable reusable materials they contain, including precious metals, steel, glass, plastics and others. Recycling or reusing these materials reduces environmental impacts and economic costs by reducing the need for virgin materials in new electronics. 

For a complete list of appliances that are accepted, contact the Zoning Department at 715.284.0220.  Cost per appliance is $10.00.



saturday June 7th, 2025 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 

Jackson County Highway Department Shop
23 Harrison Street, Black River Falls, WI 54615

Please note: Only waste from household users and farms will be accepted at this Clean Sweep Event. See flyer(s) listed at the bottom of this page for more information.


Tire Round-Up

May 17th, 2025 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 
N5661 State Hwy 54, Black River Falls (Jackson County Hwy 54 Shop)

Jackson County Recycling subsidizes the cost of this round up, so only residents or landowners in Jackson County may bring tires to these round-ups for disposal.  Various sizes of tires are accepted but all tires MUST be off the rim.  No tires on rims will be accepted.   Pricing subject to change based on disposal costs.  Current cost per Passenger/Light Truck tires 18" or smaller in size is $5.00.  Cost per tire for Commercial/Heavy Duty Truck, Implement (skid steer, forklift, etc.), Semi-Trailer or Truck tires greater than 19.5 inches in size is $20.00.  Tractor and any other tires over 20.5 x 46 are $75.00 each.
Townships that collect tires from residents throughout the year may contact the Recycling Department to setup a time/date for tire drop-off.
Tires collected during the round up will be shredded and utilized as fuel in environmentally safe boilers or used as filler in road construction materials.  Improperly discarding or disposal of tires are a breeding ground for mosquitoes and are a health or fire hazard.