Welcome to the Jackson County Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (POWTS) Department
All areas of Jackson County not served by municipal sewers are governed by Jackson County Chapter 15, Private Sewage System Ordinance. The Department is responsible for the administration and enforcement of these regulations and related chapters of the Wisconsin Administrative Code and Statutes that are in affect. The Jackson County Private Sewage System Ordinance is adopted to promote and protect public health and safety by assuring the proper siting, design, installation, inspection and management of private sewage systems and non-plumbing sanitation systems.
The Jackson County Zoning, Planning and POWTS Department will:
Complete soil onsites, review and file soil evaluations and tests, performed by a Certified Soil Tester. this is used to determine if the soils can absorb wastewater from the septic system.
Issue State and County Sanitary Permits.
Inspect the sewer system during installation to ensure that it meets the requirements of the Sanitary Code.
The Wisconsin Sanitary Code regulates private sewage disposal systems. It attempts to ensure that the sewage system will operate properly with correct maintenance. A Soil Evaluation and a Sanitary Permit are to be obtained PRIOR to construction beginning.
References and Helpful Links: