Welcome to Jackson County Non-Metallic Mineral Mining

West Central Wisconsin and Jackson County has an abundant resource of silica sand (silicon dioxide quartz) and it is unique due to its size, uniform roundness and hardness.  In addition to its physical qualities, Wisconsin's silica sand or frac sand, is located near the surface where it is economical to mine.  Silica sand excavations have been associated with cranberry culture for years.  This frac sand is used in a process call hydraulic fracturing which involves pumping water, frac sand and chemicals into shale rock formations creating fractures and a permeable pathway for natural gas and oil to flow to the well head where it is collected for sale.  Most of these shale rock wells are located in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Arkansas, New York, North Dakota and Pennsylvania.  Wisconsin has no natural gas or oil well production.  Hydraulic fracturing has been around for over sixty years, but recent developments in technologies have allowed for the extraction of natural gas and oil that was previously not reachable. 

The Jackson County Zoning, Planning and POWTS Department and Jackson County Land Conservation Departments are responsible for administration and enforcement of the non-metallic mineral mining regulations in Jackson County and the related chapters of the Wisconsin Administrative Code and Statutes that are in affect in all unincorporated areas of Jackson County. 

The staff has a variety of activities that include review and issuance of permits, compliance inspections, complaint investigation and maintaining records of all these activities.  Our departments are committed to assisting you. 

The Jackson County Highway Department has jurisdiction of over 232 miles of County Trunk Highways and contracts with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to maintain 144 miles of State Trunk and Interstate Highways.  The Department's mission is to provide a safe transportation environment for our residents and the traveling public.  They are responsible for the administration and enforcement of the traffic safety regulations in Jackson County and the related chapters of the Wisconsin Administrative Code and Statutes that are in affect in all areas of Jackson County.

State Agency Contacts  

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Non-metallic Mining Point of Contact
Roberta Walls, NR

Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Non-metallic Mining Points of Contact
Brent Pickard, Urban and Regional Planner


Helpful Links and Additional Resources

Explosives and Fireworks Department of Safety and Professional Services
Storm Water Management Regulations Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Non-Metallic Mineral Mining Information A summary of the requirements under county ordinance for the extraction and opertion of non-metallic mineral mining facilities. Includes details on the requirements for unzoned or zoned areas of Jackson County.
Frac Sand in Wisconsin Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Factsheet
Clean Air Facts, Particulate Matter Emissions and Pollution Requirements Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Air Quality Management