Sanitary Forms and Applications

The Jackson County Zoning Department issues State and County Sanitary Permits for the installation of private sewage systems and non-plumbing sanitation systems.  The Sanitary Permit is valid for two years from the date of issue and is renewable for similar periods thereafter PRIOR to the expiration date of the permit.

  • A Soil Evaluation shall be done on a site prior to the issuance of a Sanitary Permit.
  • A Sanitary Permit is required PRIOR to the installation of a private sewage system.
  • A Sanitary Permit is required prior to the issuance of a Land Use Permit, when required.

Acceptable methods and technologies that require a Sanitary Permit are:

Conventional System
At-Grade System
Mound System
Pressurized Distribution System
Drip-line Effluent Dispersal System
Holding Tank
Non-plumbing System

Acceptable system renovation methods and technologies that require a Sanitary Permit are:

Nyadic Aeration Unit
Sludgehammer Aeration Unit
Any other State approved technology

The steps required to obtain a Sanitary Permit is as follows: 

  1. Hire a certified soil tester to do a Soil Evaluation at    the site.  This will determine the type of system that can be installed.  This test involves digging at least three soil borings in a triangular shape sot that the soil inside the triangle should be very similar to the soil observed in the test borings. 
  2. Once the Soil Evaluation is completed, contract with a licensed plumber, engineer or system designer, who will design the POWTS based ont he findings of the soil evaluation and the proposed use of the property.  The use of the property is important because a residence will not have the same size system requirements as a commercial use and a four-bedroom residence will not have the same size system requirements as a two-bedroom residence.  At this point if your system is designed by an engineer or a system designer, you will need to choose a licensed plumber to install the system.  A system designed by a licensed plumber must be installed by a plumber.  The plumber is responsible for obtaining the required Sanitary Permit from our office.
  3. Once the design plan has been reviewed and the permit is issued, the plumber can then install the system, contacting our office for an inspection prior to backfilling.

Below are several forms and applications for these types of systems: