OSOW Single Trip Application/Permit and Wi-DOT Chapters 252 & 254
OSOW Permit Single Trip Application
These two Wi-DOT Administrative Code Chapters (Trans 252 and 254) are referenced in the Single Trip Application/Permit.
OSOW Permit Single Trip Application
These two Wi-DOT Administrative Code Chapters (Trans 252 and 254) are referenced in the Single Trip Application/Permit.
This is for application to receive a permit to construct a driveway or intersection to a Jackson County Trunk Highway. There is no fee. The actual application/permit is the first two pages and the third page provides non-commercial - rural single/dual driveway/intersection details. The first two pages must be submitted along with any drawings, maps, etc. that can clarify your application. You may email: JCHighway@jacksoncountywi.gov, fax: 715-284-0261 or drop off in person.
Applicant must have approved Permit before the start of work.
Culverts - Replacement or Driveway Updates
Always Complete a Driveway Permit (found on website at https://www/co.jackson.wi.us/Highway/Permits/Driveway). Complete the application with a drawing. Jackson County Highway will complete a field review of the site. If their are any issues, we will contact you to discuss. All Culverts require end wall. To purchase a culvert, please check with your Township or purchase at Farrell Supply, Farm & Fleet, Tractor Supply, Theisens or other retail.