Jackson County Farmland Preservation Plan 2016
The purpose of the Farmland Preservation Plan is to help provide guidance for use of agricultural and rural lands while trying to minimize conflicts between farm and non-farm land uses. The State of Wisconsin Farmland Preservation Program has been in existence since 1977 and available in Jackson County since 1986. Individual Farmland Preservation Program (FPP) agreements are utilized by county farmers to participate in receiving state tax credits.
The intent of this plan is to meet the minimum requirements of Chapter 91 of Wisconsin State Statutes as well as to provide information to assist in the preservation of farmland and agriculture related businesses in Jackson County. The Farmland Preservation Plan will be referenced and coordinated with the Jackson County Comprehensive Plan as an addendum, which meets the minimum requirements of Section 66.1001 (1)(a) and 66.1001 (2) of Wisconsin State Statutes.