Jackson County Comprehensive Plan
Chapter 66.1001, Wisconsin Statutes, lists nine elements that comprise a comprehensive plan. Jackson County has organized these elements into five chapters to promote readability and easy reference.
Chapter 1: Introduction - describes Wisconsin's Comprehensive Planning requirements and the planning process used to complete this plan.
Chapter 2: Vision, Goals, Objectives and Policies - describes the community vision, goals, objectives, and policies for each element of the comprehensive plan.
Chapter 3: Future Land Use - a summary of the future land use plan for Jackson County.
Chapter 4: Implementation - a compilation of recommendations and specific actions to be completed in a stated sequence to implement the goals, objectives, and policies contained in Chapter 2 and 3.
Chapter 5: Existing Conditions - summarizes historical census and land use data and county, regional, or state planning efforts which may include or affect the County (as per Wisconsin Statute 66.1001). This information provides a basis for creating goals, objectives, policies, maps, and actions guiding future development in Jackson County.
The chapters and appendixs can be accessed by clicking on the selections below: