Jackson County Highway Department; Public Service Announcements





New Black River Bridge Feasibility Study. click The word "Project Meeting Notices"  on the left side of the screen for more information.

Plowing Snow/Ice onto Highways

Please help us keep our highways safe; do not deposit any snow/ice from your driveway onto any road or highway.  We wish to remind everyone that depositing the snow or ice you remove from your driveway onto a highway or highway shoulders is not only dangerous, but illegal.  Rules of the Road “Wis.Stat. 346.94(5), Placing Injurious Substance on Highway. No person shall place or cause to be placed upon a highway any foreign substance which is or may be injurious to any vehicle or part thereof." and ”Wis.Stat. 346.95(3) Any person violating s.346.925 or s.346.94(5) or (14) shall be required to forfeit $50 for each offense."  Additionally, if the snow/ice you deposit on the roadway causes an accident, you can be held liable for the accident and any resulting injuries and property damage.

We very much appreciate your cooperation with this request.