Free Downloadable Maps
The following free maps are available to print or download for your convenience. These maps were produced by the Jackson County Land Information Department in conjuction will other partners. Map features are a representation only and do not replace field surveys or legally recorded documents. Jackson County is not liable for any decisions made as a result of use of the following maps.
For Land Use and Planning Maps see the Jackson County Comprehensive Plan.

Congressional districts in Jackson County created by the 2011 Redistricting process.

State Assembly Districts of Jackson County created by the 2011 Statewide Redistricting.

State Senate Districts of Jackson County created by the 2011 Statewide Redistricting.

Designates the Supervisory Districts after the 2010 Census. Prints best at 11"x17".

Maps of individual supervisory districts. Download may take several minutes. Prints best on 11"x17" paper.

Campground map of East Arbutus Park. Prints best on 8.5"x11" paper.

Campground map of West Arbutus Park. Prints best on 8.5"x11" paper.

Hiking trails and park features of Lake Wazee County Park.

Basic road map of Jackson County. Prints best on 11x17 paper.

A map of 2022 proposed and operational frac sand sites in Jackson County, WI.

A map of produce farms in the greater Jackson County area. Prints best at 11"x17".

School District map of Jackson County based on assessment records.