Welcome to the Jackson County Land Information Department
The Land Information Department consists of three full time and one LTE employees, including the Land Information Officer/County Surveyor, Deputy County Surveyor, Real Property Lister/GIS Specialist, and the GIS Coordinator/911 Data Coordinator.
The primary focus of the Land Information Department job duties are the acquisition and maintenance of all Land Information Records.
- Maintains all survey records and tie sheets.
- Re-monumentation of the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) section corners.
- Stores survey records - dating back to 1845 (possibly the most complete records in Western Wisconsin).
- Stores digital and hard copy US Geological Survey topographic maps (7.5 minute).
- Compliant with US Geological Survey and National Geodetic Survey benchmark data.
- Maintains High Accuracy Reference Network (HARN) station information (GPS Values).
- Maintains FEMA Floodplain maps records covering Jackson County.
- Employs dual frequency GPS receivers, which are used to establish geodetic control for projects located within Jackson County.
- Maintains the County's Geographic Information System (GIS) Enterprise and Portal Systems.
- Maintains the County's GIS & SQL server infrastructure.
- Performs ArcGIS software administrative duties.
- Administers ArcGIS Online Services.
- Creates, updates, and maintains county geospatial datasets and metadata.
- Maintains the County's Web Mapping Services.
- Assists other county departments with GIS services and training.
- Maintains the County's Open Data Portal.
- Maintains Emergency Management GIS data and enforces policy for functional operation of the county's 911 system.
- Assigns rural/residential addressing in accordance to the Jackson County Emergency Management Ordinance.
- Processes new road name and road name change applications.
- Maintains the County's Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) and Automatic Location Information (ALI) databases.
- Maintains and stores the County's digital aerial photography.
- Maintains and stores the County's digital LiDAR data.
- Processes LiDAR and orthoimagery data requests.
- Performs large format scanning and printing services.
- Designs digital and hardcopy maps for local emergency service agencies.
- Maintains the Land Information Department website.
- Coordinates with the County Clerk, Wisconsin Election Commission, and Town Clerks for address and voter registration verification.
- Performs tax parcel mapping, updates, and maintenance for all property boundaries.
- Maintains the County's GIS Parcel Fabric.
- Reviews and processes documents associated with land ownership ensuring the public record is clear.
- Maintains parcel numbers and assigns new parcel numbers for all land splits.
- Updates ownership and mailing addresses for all properties.
- Maintains property addresses for all parcels.
- Provides brief legal descriptions for all parcels as shown on the latest recorded documents.
- Maintains school district and special purpose district codes for all tax parcels.
- Prepares work rolls for assessors.
- Enters valuation changes assigned by assessor into the taxation system.
- Prepares assessment notices and assessment rolls for Boards of Review.
- Prints tax bills and a variety of tax reports.
- Provides basic tax forms as prescribed by the Department of Revenue.
- Submits the Statement of Assessment, beginning work rolls, and final assessment rolls to the Department of Revenue.
- Serves as a coordinator between the County, State, and Local Municipalities for assessment and taxation purposes.
- Assists the public and other departments with locating property information.

The Land Information Department encourages the public use of the “Jackson County Web Mapping” site. The website features a number of tools and functions. Various map layers include: parcels, aerial photography, road centerlines, municipal boundaries, district boundaries and much more. Property records including tax amounts, brief legal descriptions, and deed information is accessible through the site in a number of ways. This information is also linked to the Register of Deeds website, where deeds and other recorded information is available for purchase. The website also features a tool to view zoning, land use, & sanitary permit information where available. County section corner tie-sheet data is online as well! Check out our website at: Beacon - Jackson County WI Mapping.
The department is also home to a large format scanner and plotter. Both machines can scan or plot up to 42 inches. They are available for use for a nominal fee, note fee schedule below. Please contact the Land Information Department for scheduling.
COOPERATIVE PROJECTS - Jackson County believes in the philosophy of the Wisconsin Land Information Program, "everyone gains when we all work together". If you are developing any type of land information and feel that Jackson County could be a partner, please contact the Land Information Coordinator at the above number or address.
PLAT BOOKS - Plat books are produced through the Jackson County UW-Extension Office as a 4-H fundraiser. Books are available for purchase at the Jackson County Treasurer (715-284-0206) or UW- Extension Departments (715-284-4257).
Land Information Plans